The Firefly 500+ Report.

Datassential is a market research company that provides trend software, predictive analytics, and consumer insights to help manufacturers, food retailers, and chain restaurants innovate, make data-informed decisions, and sell more intelligently.


Between the summers of 2019 and 2020, I was a part of Datassential’s Market Intelligence wing — a small yet mighty team of writers, researchers, and publication designers. Collectively, we’d pump out all manners of research deliverables, from monthly digital magazines uncovering culinary trends to book-length reports about the industry at large. Among these various projects, the Firefly 500+ Report — an annual composite review of the chain restaurant landscape — was my largest responsibility. Here, we analyzed a giant dataset recording the financial performance and physical presence of the more than 500 of the top restaurant chains in the country in order to distill relevant trends and opportunities for growth. I put on many hats for this project — in addition to data analysis and copy writing, I was in charge of the visual design for the entire report.


Axis Lab Collaborations


Datassential Publications